Musa Izzanardi Wijanarko, the youngest college student aged 14 years 6 months from Indonesia

Musa Izzanardi Wijanarko youngest college from Indonesia
Musa Izzanardi Wijanarko became the youngest student from Indonesia for being accepted as a student in Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) at the age of 14 years 6 months.

At this age, most children in Indonesia are still in junior high school (SMP).

Izzan had previously participated in SBMPTN selection last year but did not qualify. Then Yanti Herawati mother Izzan register it to SBMPTN learning guidance for 1.5 months.

Finally on Tuesday, June 13, Yanti got news from Izzan by phone that he passed the admission selection at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences ITB.

Izzan himself aspires to become a nuclear physics scientist.


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